All of our products are in house developed software solutions. We build award winning software that assists in digital economic decision making. Our strength is in creating Proof of Concept products and scaling them to fully fledged software solutions that have a disruptive and lasting impact on the markets we touch.

Programmatic DOOH

Programmatic DOOH brings all the advantages of online media buying to Digital Outdoor Advertising. We have built a Supply Side Platform, Exchange and Private Market Place using and adapting the Open RTB Protocol.

Our systems handle close to 1 billion data transactions per month. This requires stable and high availability software solutions and a strong architectural approach. 

Hydrogen calculator

Hydrogen is our HALO project. We found the most complex product in our expertise and started working on the digital calculator for H2.

With this we facilitate the transaction handling between the vehicle and the H2 refueling unit.


We develop the largest youth referral index of the Netherlands. It is used to signal youth at risk with the primary goal to ensure that all organizations involved with their professional care are connected with each other.